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Accessible Parking

All faculty, staff and students who wish to park on campus must register their vehicle through UM’s online permit system. Individuals who have a state disability parking placard or license tag issued in their name should bring it to the AAC office along with a copy of the receipt/registration for their state placard or license plate. Students will exchange their UM issued commuter or resident parking sticker in the AAC office for the blue accessible campus hang tag. There is no additional cost over the initial vehicle registration fee. The blue hang tag allows the vehicle to be parked in any legal parking zone (accessible, resident, commuter or faculty/staff) on UM’s campus.

Temporary disability parking, due to injury or illness, is also provided through AAC. Individuals should bring a letter from their medical professional (which may include University athletic training staff or Health Services staff) indicating diagnosis/reason for the temporary permit and the expected duration of the need. Individuals requesting temporary permits for extended periods of time should consider obtaining the state temporary permit as well, as the campus permit will not provide the access the individual will likely need in the community.