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Student Conduct Process

Friendly Falcon Forgiveness Program (Amnesty)

Friendly Falcon Forgiveness Program (Amnesty)

Some students are hesitant to seek medical assistance when they or their friends are intoxicated with alcohol or other drugs because they fear the consequences of getting in trouble. We want students to prioritize the health and safety of their peers and not worry about getting into trouble. The Friendly Falcon Forgiveness Program is in place for students who, in good faith, seek medical assistance on behalf of themselves or others. Students may disqualify themselves from the program when it is determined they also violated dangerous behaviors, disorderly conduct, or failure to comply policies. The student(s) for whom help has been sought is also eligible for the Friendly Falcon Program.

For this program to apply, the reporting student(s) must contact appropriate assistance, such as 911, campus police, resident assistants, or other university faculty/staff, then remain with the intoxicated individual(s) and cooperate with staff in obtaining assistance.

A student will still meet with their Conduct Educator as if it were a regular Conduct Educator hearing (there will be alleged violations of the code), but no conduct action will be taken. During the hearing, the student will have a discussion of the alleged incident, and if the Conduct Educator decides if the student qualifies for the program. Students who qualify for this program cannot be assigned any other pathway projects such as fines. The student will not receive a student status for this incident. Failure to complete the application and other requirements by the due date will result in the assignment of normal pathway projects.

This incident will not become a part of their “reportable” conduct record and their code of conduct violations will be forgiven and they must complete the requirements of the “Friendly Falcon Forgiveness” program. 

Student(s) who have previously participated in the “Friendly Falcon Forgiveness” program and are involved in another substance-related incident will have their situations reviewed by their Conduct Educator to determine eligibility for the program. Additional participation in the program is not guaranteed in a subsequent incident.

Student organizations that seek assistance on behalf of members or guests experiencing a substance-related emergency may be eligible for mitigation of charges related to organizational violations, provided that the organization completes any educational programming or additional requirements by the Office of the Dean of Students. However, the organization can and will be held accountable for any other violations of the Student Code of Conduct related to the incident (e.g. endangering the health or safety of others, covered smoke detectors, etc). The organization may be subject to disciplinary action by the national organization for violation of risk management programs, substance abuse policies, and other rules imposed by the national organization.

Please note that records are kept within the Office of Student Conduct regarding “Friendly Falcon Forgiveness” program incidents. These records can be shared within the guidelines of FERPA. Student Conduct records are not a part of your academic transcript.