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The Mathematics program features a rigorous curriculum and a dedicated faculty with diverse research interests who will carefully guide you on the journey from calculus to the senior seminar. Mathematics at UM offers a flexible, highly marketable degree program that leads to a multitude of career paths including doctoral research, teaching, cryptography and data analysis, along with a wide variety of professional employment opportunities in the private sector. A minor in Mathematics is also offered.


The student majoring in mathematics must complete MATH 170, 171, 185, 247, 261, 271, 272, 310, 390, 470, 484, and 485; and 8 credit hours in one of the following at the 200 level or above: biology, chemistry, or physics.

For a B.A. degree in Mathematics, the student must take an additional 12 credit hours of MATH at the 300 level or above and 3 credit hours of MATH at the 400 level, as well as complete the University requirements for a B.A. degree.

Complete degree requirements can be obtained by downloading the specific Mathematics Degree Plan on the right side of this page.


A Mathematics minor consist of MATH 170: Calculus I, MATH 171: Calculus II, MATH 272: Calculus III, and at least 6 hours of MATH electives at the 200 level or above.

Alternative Master’s Degree M.Ed.

The College of Arts & Science, in cooperation with the College of Education, offers courses for the Master of Education with a concentration in the field of Mathematics.

Faculty & Staff

Pre-Engineering and Dual Engineering Programs

Pre-Professional Programs

Biology/Chemistry/Mathematics Department